Monday, October 1, 2007

September 30, 2007

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To start off I will let you know about whats been going on the last couple days well you couldnt even tell Adrian had the flu the last couple days ..........

but today you really could he was very congested and fussy, the GI doctor cycled the tpn last night and discontinued the extra fluids, I asked that they put the extra fluids back on because his mouth was dry and when he cried there were no tears and since he's been vomitting alot I think he needs the extra fluids but the GI docs think he doesnt need the extra fluids. He's only getting 10ml an hour of the elecare and our goal before he can go home is 20ml an hr for 48hr with no vomitting before we can consider sending him home so I'm really hoping that he feels better and begins to tolerate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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